Budapest Party Bus

July 19th, 2011

This is the party bus as they see it in Budapest. Eight people are paddling and drinking beer at the same time… very good method to drink and burn the booze calories right away. One man behind the steering wheel… not sure if he is drinking. And if you don’t like the idea, you can always enjoy your beer sitting somewhere, indoor or outdoor. Ah freedom…

Budapest Party Bus by Paolo Ciccarese

La Jolla (CA) Evenings

June 16th, 2011
Lady surfer in La Jolla (by Paolo Ciccarese)
Lady surfer in La Jolla (by Paolo Ciccarese)
Surfer in La Jolla (by Paolo Ciccarese)

New York City - Times Square

August 21st, 2010
Sheede in NYC by Paolo Ciccarese
NYC by Paolo Ciccarese - Times Square NYC by Paolo Ciccarese - Sailor Kiss
NYC by Paolo Ciccarese

South Beach, Miami, Florida

August 6th, 2008

Some days in South Beach, one of the most popular places in Florida.

Paolo Ciccarese and a sneaky friend
Paolo Ciccarese and Sheede Khalil parasailing

Thoughts of a nerd…

May 9th, 2007

My brend

If you are used to play pool…

November 6th, 2006
Laser pool cue … you couldn’t proabably live without this Laser-Guided Pool Cue

“This is the first laser-guided regulation-sized pool cue. When activated, the harmless visible laser provides a precise guide for lining up the perfect shot with pinpoint accuracy.

… and for only $59.95 you’ll be a champion! This is what you can learn while flying in USA ;)